Daily Prompt, My Text

A Resolution for Wellness: Embracing Less in the New Year

Daily writing prompt
What could you do less of?

“A Resolution for Wellness: Embracing Less in the New Year”

This prompt has prompted me take this as an opportunity to make a sort of New Year resolution.

In the spirit of self-improvement and overall well-being, I find myself reflecting on the various aspects of my life that could benefit from a reduction. It’s not about depriving myself, but rather making conscious choices that contribute to a healthier and more fulfilling existence. Join me as I explore the areas where I could do less, fostering positive changes in my lifestyle.

  1. Trimming the Fat – Literally: One of the primary areas that demand my attention is my dietary habits. To tackle elevated cholesterol levels, I’ve decided to cut back on my ‘fat’ intake. By making mindful choices in my daily meals, I aim to improve my overall cardiovascular health.
  2. Navigating the Sweet Spot: The recent diagnosis of type 2 diabetes at the age of 71 has prompted me to reevaluate my relationship with sugar. It’s time to reduce not only my ‘sugar’ intake but also the consumption of sugar-laden products. This step is crucial in managing my condition and ensuring a healthier lifestyle.
  3. Easing the Mental Load: The burden of unnecessary worry has been escalating, possibly influenced by the inevitable effects of advancing age. I’ve recognized the need to consciously reduce worrisome thoughts, embracing mindfulness and positivity to cultivate a calmer state of mind.
  4. Lessons in Moderation: While imparting wisdom to my granddaughters is an expression of love, I acknowledge the need to scale back on my tendency to give lessons, especially on trivial matters. Creating space for them to explore and learn on their own terms is a gift I can offer.
  5. Procrastination Abolition: Physical activity often takes a back seat when procrastination creeps in. To address this, I commit to doing less of putting off essential tasks. Embracing a proactive approach will not only benefit my physical health but also enhance my overall productivity.
  6. Mindful Media Consumption: In the quest for entertainment, I’ve realized the need to be more discerning about the content I consume. I commit to doing less of watching movies or series with violent and gory themes. Opting for content that nurtures positivity and inspiration aligns better with my well-being goals.
  7. Bridling the Sleep: While adequate rest is crucial, excess sleep can be counterproductive. I aim to do less of indulging in extended hours of sleep, fostering a more balanced sleep routine that promotes overall health and vitality.

As I embark on this journey of doing less in various aspects of my life, I am optimistic about the positive impact these changes will have on my overall well-being. Through conscious choices and mindful living, I look forward to a healthier, happier version of myself in the days to come.

-R K Karnani
Dec 2023

ps.: My eldest granddaughter read the draft of this post and taking away from my hand half eaten jalebi, commented, “Nanu, start from today because, no New Year resolutions succeed.” Well wise words from a youngster and are so true.

Humour, My Poems, Sattire

मैं,मेरी तन्हाई और मेरे कपड़े :)

एक कटुपाहास पर इसे हल्का फुल्का मजाक कहना आधी सही होगा, उनलोगों पर जो अकेले में सिर्फ खाने पीने के विषय में सोचते हैं !

meri tanhai aur kapde

मैं,मेरी तन्हाई और मेरे कपड़े 

मैं और मेरी तन्हाई अक्सर ये बातें करते हैं ….
कि चाय के साथ समोसा होता तो कैसा होता
और साथ जलेबी भी होती तो कैसा होता..
एक दिन ‘कपडे’ बीच में बोल ही पड़े
कुछ तो दया करो हम पर
खिंच टन कर हमारा बुरा हाल है
क्यों नहीं तुम्हारे मन में
हमें कुछ दिन और पहनने का ख़याल है ?
बिस्कुट से काम चलाया करो
जलेबी समोसा बीच में ना लाया करो !

-रविन्द्र कुमार करनानी